William J. Tarras, C.P.A., P.A..

Examination Representation

Our expertise includes representation before the examination and appellate divisions of federal, state, and local taxing authorities.


If you have been notified that you are about to be audited or are currently involved in a tax audit, we can provide you with the expertise and guidance necessary to mitigate the impact of the examination. We understand the process, we know the rules and regulations, and we understand how frustrating it can be deal with the bureacracy. Let us represent you.


We have been on both sides of the examination process. We will use our experience and expertise to make the examination of your tax liabilities as painless as possible.


We understand the processes and the emotional and financial toll tax problems can create. Let us take some of that pressure from you.


We have the expertise and desire to be your partner.


Please  contact  us for a consultation.